◊ Apple's New Ad Campaigns Well, the press releases keep rolling into my mailbox. Apple has begun to fight the Windows 95 war. I have somewhere around six actually titled Macintosh Vs. Windows 95. In addition to the PRs, Apple has released a ton of new print ads comparing the new features of Windows 95 to existing features in the MacOS. They have even said something like: Microsoft asks where do you want to go today, we ask where do you to go tomorrow. The campaign is impressive. For example, below is an example of one of the print ads, combined with a LOLism (that's a hint, click the pic).   ◊ PlainTalk Gets An Update BOSTON, Massachusetts--August 7, 1995 Apple Computer, Inc. today announced that the new version of Apple's advanced speech technologies software, PlainTalk, will be included with the newly announced Power Macintosh 7500s and 8500s, and comes complete with a PlainTalk microphone. PlainTalk 1.4 has significant new abilities, and makes the new Power Macintosh systems the most speech-capable of all the desktop systems on the market today. PlainTalk is a collection of software from Apple that enables Macintosh computers to speak written text and respond to spoken commands. There are three components to PlainTalk 1.4: English Speech Recognition, English Text-to-Speech, and Mexican-Spanish Text-to-Speech. The software will also be available on the Internet, eWorld, AppleLink, and on the new System 7.5.2 release CD. English Speech Recognition includes an all-new productivity utility called Speakable Items, which gives the user "command and control" of the computer, via speech. Any item stored on the computer can be made "speakable" by placing it in the Speakable Items folder; speaking the name is like a double-click -- it opens or launches the spoken item. This allows quick and easy access to stored information: documents, applications, etc. The item can reside anywhere on a hard drive or server, buried in the hierarchy of folders, and the user can open it simply by speaking its name. For example, a user wanting to check her stock portfolio without opening four files and launching an application, would just say "check stocks," and the Macintosh would do the rest. "We believe we have provided a set of speech tools which will act as an intuitive extension to the graphical user interface," said Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, director of Apple Interactive Media group. "The new Speakable Items utility is so effective and easy to use -- we expect users to be hooked on this great productivity boost in no time." Apple has incorporated new features into Speakable Items which make speech recognition easy to use and extremely reliable. PlainTalk is able to recognize virtually any English-speaking voice, even those with an accent. Misfires, a problem common to most voice-recognition systems, have been virtually eliminated with a new feature called "Push-to-Talk." Misfires result when a computer picks up on a sound and executes a command, when in fact that sound was not meant to be a command. With Speakable Items, the user speaks the computer's name (assigned by the user) before speaking the command, or uses the "Push to Talk" feature. He or she simply pushes a key which has been preselected by the user, thereby notifying the computer that the next spoken words will be a command. This is ideal for those who have put off using this type of technology due to a noisy environment or difficult acoustics. Users may develop their own commands using AppleScript, and example scripts are provided with the software. Apple's text-to-speech technology is one of the most sophisticated available, and offers a variety of voices that range from the best quality in the industry, to the most efficient in size and speed, to the most fun and entertaining. There are 22 different voices in all, and all are created via synthesis. True speech synthesis means there are no recorded sound bytes to take up valuable disk space and RAM. Game developers, educational software developers, and CD-ROM developers can have any amount of text read aloud from their applications using Apple's text-to-speech, with a small, fixed amount of space taken up on the CD. An example of the synthesis advantage is Scholastic's Wiggleworks for the Macintosh, a consumer education title which reads stories to children while the text and images are up on the screen, and allows the children to add their own text, which the program will also read aloud. Without Apple's text-to-speech synthesis, such a function would be impossible. The range of things a child can enter into a keyboard is enormous, and many words would not likely be stored in a recorded dictionary, making text-to-speech synthesis the only technology capable of providing such interactive ability. ◊ Apple Media Conferencing Released BOSTON, Massachusetts--August 7, 1995 Apple Computer, Inc. today announced that the QuickTime Conferencing application, Apple Media Conference, will be included with the newly announced Power Macintosh 7500 and the Power Macintosh 8500. This marks the first time a desktop system can be purchased videoconferencing and collaboration ready. Apple Media Conference adds a new dimension of productivity to the Power Mac with capabilities including videoconferencing, whiteboard collaboration, the ability to take PICT "snapshots" during sessions, and the ability to record sessions. The software works with the PlainTalk microphone (included with the Power Macintosh 7500 and 8500), and a user-supplied NTSC analog output camera. With Apple Media Conference, users can call other participants over their existing LANs, and enjoy new productivity tools such as whiteboarding. This refers to two or more participants collaborating on a story, advertisement, datasheet, image or other project. While one participant has the actual document stored on his or her system, the others can view it and make suggested changes with bright, marker-like strokes while discussing the proposed changes in real time. Groups benefit from the easy exchange of ideas and data files while working on the project. Those who have a direct connection to the Internet can use these capabilities with remote users as well. For current Power Macintosh owners, Apple will offer the QuickTime Conferencing Kit, a videoconferencing and data collaboration kit containing the Apple Media Conference software, the QuickTime Conferencing system extension, and an NTSC analog output camera. The kit is expected to be available from Apple this Fall for use in LAN or direct-connect Internet environments. The QuickTime Conferencing ISDN Kit is a WAN-capable upgrade to the QuickTime Conferencing Kit, and contains an H.320 hardware CODEC (compression/decompression), and the necessary ISDN-connectivity software. This gives customers the ability to conference long-distance and cross-platform with any other H.320-compliant system, at high-quality ISDN data rates, and is scheduled to be available Q1, 1996. The Apple Media Conference application can also be used with a variety of third-party CODECs. ◊ New PowerMacs Trounce Pentiums BOSTON, Massachusetts--August 7, 1995 Apple Computer's newest Power Macintosh systems outperformed Windows computers based on equivalent clock-speed Pentium processors by up to 44% overall, according to a study recently completed by Competitive Assessment Services (CAS). Introduced today, the new, aggressively priced Power Macintosh systems--the Power Mac 7200/75, 7200/90, 7500/100 and 8500/120-extend the performance leadership established by the original Power Mac systems. In addition, these new computers offer the same powerful architecture found in the world's fastest personal computer, the Power Macintosh 9500. The Power Macintosh 9500 and the new Power Macintosh 8500 feature the next generation PowerPC 604 microprocessor. According to Apple's processor vendors, IBM Microelectronics Division and Motorola RISC Microprocessor Division, the PowerPC 604 microprocessor today delivers the performance that's promised by the still unreleased Intel P6 processor. The 604 is capable of achieving an estimated SpecInt92 performance rating of 200, easily outperforming any of Intel's currently shipping processors. While Spec marks are a low level metric, quantifying the optimized performance of the microprocessor at a purely technical level, application level tests like the CAS methodology, aim to duplicate a customer's actual experience. An analysis of the CAS report on the new Power Macintosh systems revealed: * Overall the Power Macintosh 7200, 7500 and 8500 were 24%, 30% and 44%, respectively, faster than the Pentium based systems running at the same clock speed. * On the graphics and publishing applications tested, the Apple Power Macintosh 7200/75 was 62% faster than the 75 MHz Pentium based PC tested. * On the graphics and publishing applications tested, the Apple Power Macintosh 7200/90 was 58% faster than the 90 MHz Pentium based PC tested. * The Apple Power Macintosh 7500/100 was 55% faster on graphics and publishing applications than the 120 MHz Pentium processor based PC running Windows and 71% faster than the 100 MHz Pentium based system tested. * The Apple Power Macintosh 8500/120 was 80% faster on graphics and publishing applications than the 120 MHz Pentium processor based PC running Windows and 98% faster than the 100 MHz Pentium running the same applications. *CAS conducted these tests with virtual memory turned on, and noted that users could expect even greater performance gains on the new Power Mac systems with virtual memory turned off. The application-level benchmarks included ten different applications measured on 58 different tasks. The applications included spreadsheets, word processors, a database, document layout, business graphics, and other applications. The tasks measured included opening files, scrolling, spell checking, spreadsheet recalculations, graphing and a variety of other tasks. The applications used were Microsoft Excel, Word and FoxPro, Claris Works from Claris, Wolfram Research's Mathematica, Macromedia Freehand, Fractal Design Painter, FrameMaker from Frame Technology Corporation, Deltagraph Professional from DeltaPoint and Ashlar Vellum. All systems were configured with 16 MB memory. The Pentium based computers were configured with 256KB L2 cache. The Pentium based systems were running Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 as configured from the factory. The Power Macintosh computers were configured with optional 256KB L2 cache and virtual memory on. The Power Macintosh computers were running System 7.5.2. All systems were set to the same graphics resolution and bit depth. Processor/ MHz Computer PowerPC 604/120* Power Macintosh 8500/120 PowerPC 601/100 Power Macintosh 7500/100 PowerPC 601/90 Power Macintosh 7200/90 PowerPC 601/75 Power Macintosh 7200/75 Pentium/120 Dell Optiplex XMT 5/120 Pentium/100 Gateway P5100 XL Pentium/90 Dell XPS P90 Pentium/75 Dell Dimension XPS P75 Pentium/66 Compaq Deskpro 5/66M 486/33 Compaq Deskpro XE 433 The overall application level performance of the systems tested was: Computer Relative Performance* Apple Power Macintosh 8500/120 6.18 Apple Power Macintosh 7500/100 5.23 Apple Power Macintosh 7200/90 4.54 Pentium 120 MHz 4.28 Pentium 100 MHz 4.01 Apple Power Macintosh 7200/75 3.95 Pentium 90 MHz 3.67 Pentium 75 MHz 3.16 Pentium 66 MHz 3.06 486DX 33 MHz 1.00 *In multiples of the performance of a 33 MHz 486DX The performance results of the publishing and graphics applications tested was: Computer Relative Performance* Apple Power Macintosh 8500/120 8.80 Apple Power Macintosh 7500/100 7.59 Apple Power Macintosh 7200/90 6.45 Apple Power Macintosh 7200/75 5.67 Pentium 120 MHz 4.90 Pentium 100 MHz 4.44 Pentium 90 MHz 4.08 Pentium 75 MHz 3.50 Pentium 66 MHz 3.27 486DX 33 MHz 1.00 *In multiples of the performance of a 33 MHz 486DX Graphics and publishing applications included Framemaker, Painter, Deltagraph and Freehand. The application level testing was conducted by Competitive Assessment Services on equivalently configured Power Macintosh and x86 processor-based PCs running Windows. The tests consisted of measuring the actual elapsed time required to perform various tasks. Unlike processor-only or low-level benchmarks, the test results reflect application-level performance running real applications on actual systems. The tasks involved a mix of integer, floating point, disk and graphics activities. This new report also highlights the contrast between artificial benchmarks like SPECmarks, which are subject to optimization by manufacturers, and real-world applications tests which aim to measure actual application-level performance. CAS found the new Power Macs' overall performance on applications tested to be much higher than Pentium processor-based computers running at the same clock speed. Performance can vary from application to application; Apple encourages customers to perform their own tests. ◊ Apple and Netscape Join Forces for Internet Connection Kit BOSTON, Massachusetts--August 7, 1995 Apple Computer, Inc., and Netscape Communications Corp. today announced a strategic agreement that will bring new capabilities to customers on the Internet. Under the agreement, the two companies will share technology to enhance Internet access for customers. Apple will distribute Netscape Navigator network navigation software and Netscape has agreed to incorporate Apple's QuickTime and QuickTime VR into Netscape Navigator. The two companies have also collaborated to provide an easy-to-use Internet registration service, incorporated into the newly announced Apple Internet Connection Kit. The agreement includes several components that will enhance and extend each company's Internet offering. A worldwide distribution agreement allows Apple to distribute Netscape Navigator, Netscape's premier software for navigating the Internet's World Wide Web. Apple has included Netscape Navigator in the Apple Internet Connection Kit, an Internet access product announced today. The Apple Internet Connection Kit is a selection of the most popular Internet applications from third-party companies, along with key technologies from Apple designed to make it simpler for Macintosh customers to get connected to the Internet. One of the reasons Apple selected Netscape Navigator is its advanced security features designed to facilitate transactions over the Internet. Apple previously announced support for Netscape's Secure Socket Layers (SSL) security protocols. Under the new agreement, Netscape will adopt selected technologies into future products to enhance the overall Internet experience for customers. Netscape has agreed to incorporate QuickTime and QuickTime VR, Apple technologies that are quickly becoming multimedia standards for the Internet, into future releases of Netscape Navigator. Netscape's adoption of QuickTime and QuickTime VR will make it easier for people to use various types of multimedia data through Netscape Navigator. Netscape also plans to enhance its Apple Macintosh offering through Drag and Drop capabilities and AppleScript support. Apple has incorporated Netscape's Internet registration service into the Apple Internet Dialer, a key feature of the Apple Internet Connection Kit. The Apple Internet Dialer allows users to instantly get connected with an Internet Service Provider of their choice. The two companies are exploring additional ways to use their respective technologies to enhance Internet access for customers. The Apple Internet Connection Kit includes everything a Macintosh user needs to get up and running on the Internet including the following components: * Apple Internet Dialer: Offers a choice of qualified ISPs; streamlines the process of registration and configures the applications to run on a specific system. * Apple Guide for the Internet: Provides an enhanced on-screen help feature that leads users through tasks step-by- step to master the processes, procedures and capabilities of the Internet. * Netscape Navigator from Netscape Communications: Market-leading browser software allows users to explore the World Wide Web. * Claris Emailer Lite: Electronic mail product that enables users to send and receive e-mail messages over the Internet. * RealAudio Player from Progressive Networks: Allows users to play audio over the Internet in realtime without having to download audio files. * Fetch FTP software: Lets users access File Transfer Protocol (FTP) services to download specific files. * NewsWatcher browser software: Provides users with access to Usenet newsgroup discussions. * PPP and SLIP: Allows the use of MacTCP over a modem line, permitting the Macintosh and Internet applications to communicate with protocols used by the Internet. * NCSA Telnet terminal emulation software: Allows a Macintosh computer to emulate a terminal for connection to many UNIX-based libraries and catalogs. * QuickTime VR Player: Allows users to view 3D multimedia presentations and QuickTime video clips downloaded from the Internet. * Adobe Acrobat Reader: Allows users to view portable document format (PDF) files in their exact original format. In addition to providing these popular products, Apple developed the Apple Internet Connection Kit as an open solution to accommodate the Internet software preferences of its customers. Customers can add their favorite Internet tools to the collection and be assured of full compatibility with the Apple Internet Connection Kit. ◊ QuickDraw 3D Released SIGGRAPH, LOS ANGELES, California--August 7, 1995 Apple Computer, Inc. today announced that its QuickDraw 3D graphics software is now available to customers. This new system software, which makes real-time 3D graphics as easy to use as text and 2D graphics, is included with the new Apple Power Macintosh 7500 and 8500 personal computers. QuickDraw 3D is also available to other Apple Macintosh users from online services and the World Wide Web, and through software applications that have the new software built in, such as Strata Inc's new version of StudioPro Blitz, a professional-level modeling, rendering and animation package for the Macintosh. Immediately QuickDraw 3D becomes the highest volume shipping RISC-based 3D technology, which, coupled with aggressive developer adoption means powerful and innovative new solutions for PowerMac users. QuickDraw 3D takes advantage of the computing performance of the Power Mac computer's PowerPC processor, delivering 3D-graphics capabilities and performance that previously were available only on advanced graphics workstations. With QuickDraw 3D on a Power Macintosh, users can easily create and manipulate 3D graphics, and drag and drop those graphics into documents and presentations. "With QuickDraw 3D on the Power Macintosh, Apple is applying its innovation to the complex world of 3D graphics", said David Nagel, Apple senior vice president of worldwide research and development. "We are now able to provide a foundation for delivering the visual richness of 3D to mainstream personal computer users at dramatically lower price points." According to Rand Miller, president of Cyan, Inc., creator of the popular Myst computer game, "Cyan developed Myst using only Macintosh computers. For the sequel, we were hungry for modeling and rendering speed so we jumped to Silicon Graphics workstations. We naively assumed that integration and ease of use would come with it as well. Everyone at Cyan has been anxiously awaiting QuickDraw 3D so we can get our development efforts back on the Mac, and from what we've seen so far of QuickDraw 3D software with the new PowerMac hardware, our wait may be over." "Radius is excited about the opportunity to bring 3D graphics and performance to the desktop" said Kevin Macgillivray, general manager and vice president of Radius' Color Publishing Division. "Apple's QuickDraw 3D is a major enabling software technology that, when boosted with 3D hardware, will revolutionize the creation of content. Soon, customers in color publishing and broadcast design will be able to produce 3D illustrations, product designs and animation with the quality and speed they require, on their platform of choice." QuickDraw 3D supports a new cross-platform file format --3DMF-- that makes it possible for 3D graphics to be moved from application to application, preserving geometric information, as well as information about textures, lighting and shading. "Because visual interaction breaks down communication barriers, 3D will be integral to how we work, learn and play," said John Wright, president and CEO of Viewpoint Labs, a worldwide leader in 3-D modeling and 3-D data distribution. "We believe QuickDraw 3D and the Apple 3DMF format represent a significant step toward broadening the market by putting the power of 3D at the fingertips of desktop users." By supporting 3DMF, Viewpoint's users can move and share 3D geometric and appearance information among applications and through an entire production process, the same way they share PICT images today." QuickDraw 3D requires a Power Macintosh computer running Macintosh System 7, Version 7.1.2 or later, a hard disk drive and 16 Mb of memory. QuickDraw 3D is included with Apple Power Macintosh 7500 and 8500 computers. It is available to other Macintosh users from online services such as eWorld, and on the Internet through Apple's home page at or through the QuickDraw 3D page at . ◊ New Apple Monitors Available BOSTON, Massachusetts--August 7, 1995 Following a trend of recent product announcements extending its lead in desktop publishing, graphics, home computing and multimedia, Apple Computer, Inc. today announced the availability of two color displays that give customers optimal value from applications featuring color images and sound. The AppleVision 1710AV offers integrated multimedia capability and revolutionary color correction technology for mainstream business users of Power Macintosh and other audio-visual equipped computers. The Apple Multiple Scan 14 Display offers cost effective multimedia capability for small business, home and education users of Power Macintosh, Macintosh Performa, and Mac-compatible systems. Both displays are compatible with IBM PCs and Microsoft Windows-based computer systems. The AppleVision 1710AV is Apple's first 17 inch (16.1 inch viewable image size) multimedia display. Using new color technologies unique to Apple, the AppleVision 1710AV represents an important technical and price/performance breakthrough for users for whom color is critical, including graphic designers, business users and those working in multimedia. Apple's DigitalColor technologies provide automatic color calibration and correction for the effects of ambient room light, phosphor aging and glass browning, resulting in improved color fidelity, stability and accuracy over time. The AppleVision 1710AV also completely supports ColorSync 2.0, Apple's groundbreaking color management system. This software creates ColorSync profiles that contain the display's color set-up information, enabling other AppleVision users the option of remote color proofing and monitor matching. This is an important advantage for those working on collaborative projects that until now has not been possible at this price. The AppleVision 1710AV is equipped with high-quality, built-in stereo speakers and a directional microphone. Its superior audio capabilities make it ideal for voice annotation, interactive learning, voice recognition, and speakerphone applications. It uses the latest .26 mm stripe pitch Sony Trinitron tube for sharp, clear images and multiple resolutions that can be changed at will so designers can switch to the resolution most appropriate for the work being done. Maximum resolution is 1280x1024 at 75Hz. All display features are easily controlled through an intuitive Macintosh software control panel. The display comes with an easy to use adaptor that makes it instantly compatible with a wide range of computers running various operating systems including Macintosh, the MacOS, OS/2 and Windows95. The AppleVision 1710AV is compliant with leading worldwide standards for power management and electric and magnetic field emissions, including MPR II compliance, and uses the VESA DPMS standard to meet Energy Star requirements. The AppleVision 1710AV also includes a first-ever energy-saving innovation that puts the monitor into a zero watt sleep state when not in use, saving significant energy costs. The AppleVision 1710AV is the first PANTONE Calibrated display, designed to facilitate the selection of PANTONE Colors by providing accurate and calibrated RGB values for AppleVision displays. The PANTONE Color Picker utilizes Apple's ColorSync 2.0 technology and the monitor's ColorSync profile-generation capability to adjust the colors in the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM as often as the monitor is calibrated. Apple is making the PANTONE Color Picker available through on-line services, including AppleLink and eWorld. In addition to the AppleVision 1710AV, Apple today also announced the availability of the Apple Multiple Scan 14 Display. Combining the flexibility of multiple-scan technology with the multimedia advantage of built-in stereo speakers, the Apple Multiple Scan 14 Display offers consumers outstanding price/performance value. This 14 inch (12.4 inch diagonal viewable image size) .28mm dot pitch, multimedia display provides exceptionally clear, sharp images. It includes integrated front panel stereo speakers and an easy-access headphone jack. Front panel controls make it easy to adjust brightness and contrast for optimal viewing. To further meet individual consumers' needs, the Apple Multiple Scan 14 Display allows users to change resolution without restarting the computer. The display's multiple scan technology provides true cross platform compatibility, and is especially well-suited for customers purchasing entry and mid-range Apple Macintosh systems. The Apple Multiple Scan 14 Display is compliant with major energy and safety standards, including CISPR, MPR II and Energy Star. The AppleVision 1710AV is available immediately through Apple authorized resellers worldwide and has a U.S. Apple price of $1159. The Apple Multiple Scan 14 Display is available immediately through Apple authorized resellers worldwide and has a U.S. Apple price of $359. For the location of the reseller nearest them, customers in the U.S. can call 800-538-9696, ext. 525. Customers outside the United States should contact their local Apple representatives for information. ◊ Apple Multimedia Program Announced BOSTON, Massachusetts-August 8, 1995 Apple Computer, Inc. today announced the Apple Multimedia Program (AMP) World Wide Web site , an extensive on-line resource that provides multimedia developers with a one-stop source for information about Apple, its multimedia offerings and its multimedia developer community. Additionally, the company announced plans to distribute key sections of the new Apple Multimedia Program Developer Showcase CD on this new World Wide Web site. Resources on the AMP World Wide Web site for current and prospective members are available through a range of resources accessible in four main areas: * Multimedia for You from Apple a collection of links to multimedia resources throughout the Internet. This includes multimedia product and program information within Apple, as well as links to external multimedia information sources and companies. * Get with the Program provides complete AMP program information to those developers considering joining the program. Summaries and tables of contents are provided for all the market reports, technical documents, videos and discounts provided with the program. * What's New provides the latest in program news. * AMP Member Showcase-a searchable database of AMP program members who participated in the CD-ROM-based showcase. The database provides contact information, areas of expertise, market focus and pictures of sample work. The showcase is geared to serving the informational needs of companies needing multimedia services. ◊ Macintosh Common LISP Released MACWORLD, Boston-August 8, 1995 Apple Computer, Inc. and Digitool, Inc. today announced availability of the Macintosh Common Lisp (MCL) 3.0 programming language, and associated products addressing the needs of MCL developers. An enhanced version for Motorola 680X0-based Apple Macintosh computers, MCL 3.0 is the first product resulting from last November's technology development agreement between Apple and Digitool. MCL 3.0 is the first milestone leading to Digitool's Power Macintosh native version, expected in early 1996. Common Lisp is an advanced programming language widely used in industry, education and research. Recognized by developers as a premier implementation of Common Lisp for personal computers, MCL's performance is comparable to Lisp running on high-end workstations. MCL 3.0 is the first MCL version to support concurrently running multiple processes within a program. An object-oriented dynamic language, MCL is ideally suited for quick application prototyping and provides high-level access to the Macintosh user interface, as well as a delivery environment for intelligent applications. With MCL 3.0, Apple and Digitool are responding to key customer needs for smaller deliverable applications, an MCL runtime compiler and more affordable pricing. MCL 3.0 creates fully customized applications called Lisp Development Systems, which may be distributed to other MCL users in a site-license agreement, or packaged with copies of MCL for commercial distribution. In addition, freely distributable, standalone applications may be produced with MCL Redistribution Kits. Through a special application generator utility, users may use MCL's Redistribution Kit to create distributable applications of reduced disk footprint; standalone applications now can occupy 450K to 900K less disk space than their Lisp Development System counterparts produced in MCL 3.0. MCL 3.0 is designed to meet the demands of developers who require extensive network and multithreading interfaces. World Wide Web site development is one example of an application that takes advantage of MCL's strengths. The Artificial Intelligence Lab at M.I.T. successfully used MCL 3.0 for the Macintosh port of CL-HTTP, the lab's WWW server, originally developed on Symbolics computers for government applications. "We see the Mac port of CL-HTTP as the first step towards much wider public access, via MCL, to tools used for developing and deploying several major information highway applications," said John Mallery, research scientist, M.I.T. AI Lab. "Web applications are becoming more sophisticated as they endeavor to help people more intelligently manage floods of information unleashed by the current revolution in global computer networks. Better programming tools like MCL are going to separate the winners from the also-rans."